Research 研究成果の紹介

Sakaki M, Murayama K, Izuma K, Aoki R, Yomogita Y, Sugiura A, Singhi N, Matsumoto M, Matsumoto K. Motivated with joy or anxiety: Does approach-avoidance goal framing elicit differential reward-network activation in the brain? Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2024. Online ahead of print..
玉川大学 -
Ishihara T, Hashimoto S, Tamba N, Hyodo K, Matsuda T, Takagishi H. The links between physical activity and prosocial behavior: an fNIRS hyperscanning study. Cereb Cortex. 2024;34(2):bhad509.
Kawamoto M, Takagishi H, Ishihara T, Takagi S, Kanai R, Sugihara G, Takahashi H, Matsuda T. Hippocampal volume mediates the relationship of parental rejection in childhood with social cognition in healthy adults. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):19167.
玉川大学 -
Yoshioka A, Tanabe HC, Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Koike T, Sadato N (2023) The Role of the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Introspection during Verbal Communication. Brain Sci., 13(1):111. doi: 10.3390/brainsci13010111.
生理学研究所 -
Isoda M (2023) Decoding social rewards via inter-areal coordination frequency in the brain.Trends Cogn Sci 27: 888-889. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.07.010.
生理学研究所 -
Tomatsu S, Isoda M(2023) Tuning in to real-time social interactions in macaques. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 120:e2301614120.doi: 10.1073/pnas.2301614120.
生理学研究所 -
Noritake A, Ninomiya T, Kobayashi K, Isoda M (2023)Chemogenetic dissection of a prefrontal-hypothalamic circuit for socially subjective reward valuation in macaques. Nat Commun.14: 4372.doi:10.1038/s41467-023-40143-x.
生理学研究所 -
Matsunaga M, Ohtsubo Y, Ishii K, Tsuboi H, Suzuki K, Takagishi H. Association between internet addiction, brain structure, and social capital in adolescents. Soc Neurosci. 2023.
玉川大学 -
Tanaka H†, Nishina K†, Shou Q, Takahashi H, Sakagami M, Matsuda T, Inoue-Murayama M, Takagishi H. Association between arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A) polymorphism and inequity aversion. Proc Biol Sci. 2023;290(2000).
玉川大学 -
Levorsen M, Aoki R, Matsumoto K, Sedikides C, Izuma K. The Self-Concept Is Represented in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Terms of Self-Importance. J Neurosci. 2023;17;43(20):3675-3686.
玉川大学 -
Arai S, Watabe M, Kanari K, Shou Q, Krueger F, Takagishi H. Salivary Oxytocin Has Nonlinear Relationships with Trust and Reciprocity. Games. 2023;14(1):17.
玉川大学 -
Oguchi M, Li Y, Matsumoto Y, Kiyonari T, Yamamoto K, Sugiura S, Sakagami M. Proselfs depend more on model-based than model-free learning in a non-social probabilistic state-transition task. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):1419.
玉川大学 -
Sakaki M, Meliss S, Murayama K, Yomogida Y, Matsumori K, Sugiura A, Matsumoto M, Matsumoto K. Motivated for near impossibility: How task type and reward modulate task enjoyment and the striatal activation for extremely difficult task. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2023 Feb;23(1):30-41.
玉川大学 -
Tanaka H, Shou Q, Kiyonari T, Matsuda T, Sakagami M, Takagishi H. Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex regulates default prosociality preference. Cereb Cortex. 2023;33(9):5420-5425.
「学んだ」ことが「身につく」ときの脳の変化を解明 Sohn J, Suzuki M, Youssef M, Hatada S, Larkum ME, Kawaguchi Y, Kubota Y (2022) Presynaptic Supervision of Cortical Spine Dynamics in Motor Learning. Science Advances 8: eabm0531.
生理学研究所 -
温泉女将の「おもてなし」を脳科学的に解明 Miki K, Takesyhima Y, Kida T, Kakigi R (2022) The ERP and psychophysical changes related to facial emotion perception by expertise in Japanese hospitality, “OMOTENASHI”. Scientific Reports 12: 9089.
生理学研究所 -
Xianwei Meng , Jinjing Jenny Wang ,Yuichiro Yosikawa ,Hiroshi Ishiguro , Shoji Itakura. A cross-cultural investigation of people’s intuitive beliefs about the origins of cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 13
同志社大学 -
Mitsuhiko Ishikawa, Atsushi Senju, Masaharu Kato, Shoji Itakura. Physiological arousal explains infant gaze following in various social contexts. Royal Society Open Science, 9(8)
同志社大学 -
Mitsuhiko Ishikawa, Shoji Itakura. Social reward anticipation in infants as revealed by event-related potentials. Social Neuroscience, 17: 480-489
同志社大学 -
Koester, M., Torrens, M.G., Kartner, J., Itakura, S., Cavalcante, L., Kanngiesser, P. Parental teaching behavior in diverse cultural contexts. Evolution and Human Behavior, 43: 432-441
同志社大学 -
Mingwen Jin; Masaharu Kato; Shoji Itakura. Development of a classifier to screen for severe sleep disorder in children. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10
同志社大学 -
Yamaguchi Masanori; Xianwei Meng; Ishibashi Mikako; Moriguchi Yusuke; Mitsuishi Hisashi; Itakura Shoji. Individual differences in children’s anthropomorphic tendencies to their special objects. Cognitive Development, 63
同志社大学 -
F. Manzi; M. Ishikawa; C. Di Dio; S. Itakura; T. Kanda; H. Ishiguro; D. Massaro; A. Marchetti. Infants' prediction of humanoid robot's goal-directed action. International journal of Social Robotics
同志社大学 -
Izuno T, Saeki T, Hirai N, Yoshiike T, Sunagawa M, Nakamura M. Local and transient changes of sleep spindle density during series of prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with a major depressive episode. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15:738605, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Yao W, Kaminishi K, Yamamoto N, Hamatani T, Yamada Y, Kawada T, Hiyama S, Okimura T, Terasawa Y, Maeda T, Mimura M, Ota J. Passive way of measuring QOL/well-being levels using smartphone log. Frontiers in Digital Health, 4:780566, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Ito A, Yoshida K, Aoki R, Fujii T, Kawasaki I, Hayashi A, Ueno A, Sakai S, Mugikura S, Takahashi S, Mori E. The role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in preferential decisions for own- and other-age faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:822234, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Doi H, Kanai C, Ohta H. Transdiagnostic and sex differences in cognitive profiles of autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Autism Research, 15(6):1130-1141, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Fujiwara M, Numano S, Tanaka T, Nakamura M, Kato N, Haruno M. Subgroups of people with high Autism-Spectrum Quotient scores identified from a large set of personality traits and attributes. medRxiv, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Qian C, Tei S, Itahashi T, Aoki YY, Ohta H, Hashimoto RI, Nakamura M, Takahashi H, Kato N, Fujino J. Intergroup bias in punishing behaviors of adults with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13:884529, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Nagai T, Kurihara T, Koya H, Nakano Y, Sugisawa S, Sambe T, Kishimoto K, Kogo M, Ota H, Iwanami A, Uchida N. Identification of factors associated with the efficacy of atomoxetine in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, 42(3):249-255, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Tamon T, Itahashi T, Yamaguchi S, Tachibana Y, Fujino J, Igarashi M, Kawashima M, Takahashi R, Shinohara NA, Noda Y, Nakajima S, Hirota T, Aoki YY. Autistic children and adolescents with frequent restricted interest and repetitive behavior showed more difficulty in social cognition during mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multisite survey. BioMed Central Psychiatry, 22(1):608, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Tei S, Tanicha M, Itahashi T, Aoki YY, Ohta H, Qian C, Hashimoto RI, Nakamura M, Takahashi H, Kato N, Fujino J. Decision flexibilities in autism spectrum disorder: An fMRI study of moral dilemmas. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17(10):904-911, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Kumano H, Nobukawa S, Shirama A, Takahashi T, Takeda T, Ohta H, Kikuchi M, Iwanami A, Kato N, Toda S. Asymmetric complexity in a pupil control model with laterally imbalanced neural activity in the locus coeruleus: a potential biomarker for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Neural Computation, 34(12):2388-2407, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Nakamura S, Kishimoto Y, Sekino M, Nakamura M, Tsutsui KI. Depression induced by low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to ventral medial frontal cortex in monkeys. Experimental Neurology, 357:114168, 2022.
昭和大学 -
Fermin ASR, Kiyonari T, Matsumoto Y, Takagishi H, Li Y, Kanai R, Sakagami M, Akaishi R, Ichikawa N, Takamura M, Yokoyama S, Machizawa MG, Chan HL, Matani A, Yamawaki S, Okada G, Okamoto Y, Yamagishi T. The neuroanatomy of social trust predicts depression vulnerability. Sci Rep. 2022;12:16724.
玉川大学 -
Ishiguro C, Sato Y, Takahashi A, Abe Y, Kato E, Takagishi H. Relationships among creativity indices: Creative potential, production, achievement, and beliefs about own creative personality. PLoS One. 2022;17:e0273303.
玉川大学 -
Shou Q, Yamada J, Nishina K, Matsunaga M, Matsuda T, Takagishi H. Association between salivary oxytocin levels and the amygdala and hippocampal volumes. Brain Struct Funct. 2022;227:2503-2511.
玉川大学 -
Yamada J, Shou Q, Miyazaki A, Matsuda T, Takagishi H. Association between relational mobility, brain structure, and prosociality in adolescents. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2022;82:615-625.
玉川大学 -
Shou Q, Yamada J, Nishina K, Matsunaga M, Kiyonari T, Takagishi H. Is oxytocin a trust hormone? Salivary oxytocin is associated with caution but not with general trust. PLoS One. 2022;17:e0267988.
玉川大学 -
Nishina K, Shou Q, Takahashi H, Sakagami M, Inoue-Murayama M, Takagishi H. Association Between Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) of the Serotonin Transporter Gene and Behavioral Response to Unfair Distribution. Front Behav Neurosci. 2022;16:762092.
玉川大学 -
Ishihara T, Miyazaki A, Tanaka H, Matsuda T. Association of Cardiovascular Risk Markers and Fitness with Task-Related Neural Activity during Animacy Perception. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2022;54(10):1738-1750.
Yamada J, Nakawake Y, Shou Q, Nishina K, Matsunaga M, Takagishi H. Salivary Oxytocin Is Negatively Associated With Religious Faith in Japanese Non-Abrahamic People. Front Psychol. 2021;12:705781.
玉川大学 -
Ishiguro C, Sato Y, Takahashi A, Abe Y, Kakizaki H, Okada H, Kato E, Takagishi H. Comparing Effects of Visual Thinking Strategies in a Classroom and a Museum. Psychol Aesthet Creat Arts. 2021;15:735-745.
玉川大学 -
Ishihara T, Miyazaki A, Tanaka H, Fujii T, Takahashi M, Nishina K, Kanari K, Takagishi H, Matsuda T. Childhood exercise predicts response inhibition in later life via changes in brain connectivity and structure. Neuroimage. 2021;237:118196.
玉川大学 -
Ishiguro C, Takagishi H, Sato Y, Seow AW, Takahashi A, Abe Y, Hayashi T, Kakizaki H, Uno K, Okada H, Kato E. Effect of dialogical appreciation based on visual thinking strategies on art-viewing strategies. Psychol Aesthet Creat Arts. 2021;15:51-59.
玉川大学 -
Solveig Jurkat; Moritz Köster; Ledys Hernández Chacón; Shoji Itakura; Joscha Kärtner. Visual attention across cultures: Similarities and differences in child development and maternal attention styles. Developmental Science
同志社大学 -
Xianwei Meng & Shoji Itakura、Tatsunori Ishii, Kairi Sugimoto & Katsumi Watanabe、Katsumi Watanabe. Source memory and social exchange in young children. Cognitive Processing, 22(3): 529-537
同志社大学 -
Xianwei Meng,Masaharu Kato,Shoji Itakura. Development of synchrony-dominant expectations in observers. Social Development, 31: 497-509
同志社大学 -
加藤正晴、嶋田容子、木谷俊介. 学童期における日本語を用いた選択的聴取能力―選択的聴取の児童向けアセスメントツール開発. 日本音響学会誌, 77巻8号: 500-503
同志社大学 -
Masaharu Kato,Hirokazu Doi,Xianwei Meng,Taro Murakami,Sachiyo Kajikawa,Takashi Otani,Shoji Itakura. Baby’s Online Live Database: An Open Platform for Developmental Science. Frontiers in Psychology, 12
同志社大学 -
嶋田容子、楊嘉楽. 色知覚についての実証研究と保育における色・光の環境づくり. チャイルド・サイエンス, 22: 49-53
同志社大学 -
板倉昭二. 乳幼児における感情・共感の発達. 精神科, 39: 1-7
同志社大学 -
板倉昭二. 乳児と音楽―音楽性の初期発達―. 音楽教育学, 50(2): 35-44
同志社大学 -
Hamamoto, H., Ishikawa, M., Itakura, S. Examining the social influence of reputation for partner productivity level on the collaborative task performance of young children. Infant and Child Development, 66:53:00.000
同志社大学 -
Ueno, M., Yamamoto , H., Yamada, K., & Itakura, S. Individual Recognition of Monkey (Macaca fuscata) and Human (Homo sapiens) Images in Primatologists. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 135(3): 394-405
同志社大学 -
Otsuka, Y., Sato, A., Shizawa, M., Itakura, S. The role of executive functions in older adults’ affective theory of mind. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 97
同志社大学 -
Sato, Y., Kitazaki, M., Itakura, S., Morita, T., Sakuraba, Y., Tomonaga, M., & Hirata, S. Great apes’ understanding of biomechanics: eye-tracking experiments using three-dimensional computer-generated animations. Primates, 62: 735-747
同志社大学 -
Daiki Hiraoka, Michio Nomura and Masaharu Kato. Longitudinal study of maternal beliefs about infant crying during the postpartum period: interplay with infant’s temperament. Frontiers in Psychology, 12
同志社大学 -
Kim, S., Senju, A., Sodian, B., Paulus, M., Itakura, S., Okuno, A., Ueno, M., Proust, J. Memory Monitoring and Control in Japanese and German Preschoolers. Memory & Cognition
同志社大学 -
Masanori Yamaguchi, Yusuke Moriguchi. Did Children Interact With Their Personified Objects During the COVID-19 Pandemic?. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 41(3): 354-367
同志社大学 -
加藤正晴. 『視知覚における抑制メカニズムの発達(中島論文)』へのコメント論文 . 日本赤ちゃん学会誌, 21: 12-13
同志社大学 -
加藤正晴. 発達科学から見た多感覚統合の世界 . 日本音響学会誌, 77(3): 215-220
同志社大学 -
Kosuke Asada; Shoji Itakura; Mako Okanda; Yusuke Moriguchi; Kaori Yokawa; Shinichiro Kumagaya; Kaoru Konishi; Yukuo Konishi. Understanding of the Gricean maxims in children with autism spectrum disorder: Implications for pragmatic language development. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 63
同志社大学 -
Mitsuhiko Ishikawa; Shoji Itakura. Pupil dilation predicts modulation of direct gaze on action value calculations. Biological Psychology, 171
同志社大学 -
Solveig Jurkat, Nancy Beatriz Iza Simba, Ledys Hernandez Chacon, Shoji Itakura, Joscha Kartner. Cultural Similarities and Differences in Explaining Others’ Behavior in 4- to 9-Year-Old Children From Three Cultural Contexts. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(6) : 659–682
同志社大学 -
Mitsuhiko Ishikawa; Atsushi Senju. Action value calculations in social context from infancy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27: 227-229
同志社大学 -
村上由希、今村行雄、酒井大輔、小西行郎. 妊娠期の母胎炎症によって引き起こされる神経発達障害様モデル. 日本生物学的精神医学会誌, 32巻3号: 120-123
同志社大学 -
Yuki Murakami , Yukio Imamura, Yoshiyuki Kasahara, Chihiro Yoshida, Yuta Momono, Ke Fang, Toshimasa Nishiyama, Daisuke Sakai and Yukuo Konishi. The Effects of Maternal Interleukin-17A on Social Behavior, Cognitive Function, and Depression-Like Behavior in Mice with Altered Kynurenine Metabolites. International Journal of Tryptophan Research, 14: 1-22
同志社大学 -
他者の予想外の行動に反応するニューロンを発見 Ninomiya T, Noritake A, Isoda M (2021) Live agent preference and social action monitoring in the macaque mid-superior temporal sulcus region. PNAS 118: e2109653118.
生理学研究所 -
Miyata K, Koike T, Nakagawa E, Harada T, Sumiya M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N (2021) Neural substrates for sharing intention in action during face-to-face imitation. Neuroimage 233: 117916.
生理学研究所 -
Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Tanabe HC, Sasaki AT, Kochiyama T, Yahata N, Sadato N (2021) The extrastriate body area is involved in reciprocal imitation of hand gestures, vocalizations, and facial expressions: a univariate and multivariate fMRI study. Social Neuroscience 16: 448-465.
生理学研究所 -
Yokoyama C, Autio JA, Ikeda T, Sallet J, Mars RB, Van Essen DC, Glasser MF, Sadato N, Hayashi T (2021) Comparative connectomics of the primate social brain. Neuroimage 245: 118693.
生理学研究所 -
Yoshioka A, Tanabe HC, Sumiya M, Nakagawa E, Okazaki S, Koike T, Sadato N (2021) Neural substrates of shared visual experiences: a hyperscanning fMRI study. SCAN 16: 1264-1275.
生理学研究所 -
ドーパミン異常と学習・記憶の関係を表す計算モデルの開発に成功 Urakubo H, Yagishita S, Kasai H, Kubota Y, Ishii S (2021) The critical balance between dopamine D2 receptor and RGS for the sensitive detection of a transient decay in dopamine signal. PLoS Computational Biology 17: e1009364.
生理学研究所 -
Yamashita A, Sakai Y, Yamada T, Yahata N, Kunimatsu A, Okada N, Itahashi T, Hashimoto R, Mizuta H, Ichikawa N, Takamura M, Okada G, Yamagata H, Harada K, Matsuo K, Tanaka SC, Kawato M, Kasai K, Kato N, Takahashi H, Okamoto Y, Yamashita O, Imamizu H. Common brain networks between major depressive-disorder diagnosis and symptoms of depression that are validated for independent cohorts. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:12, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Lin IF, Itahashi T, Kashino M, Kato N, Hashimoto R. Brain activations while processing degraded speech in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychologia, 152:107750, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Nobukawa S, Shirama A, Takahashi T, Takeda T, Ohta H, Kikuchi M, Iwanami A, Kato N, Toda S. Pupillometric complexity and symmetricity follow inverted-U curves against baseline diameter due to crossed locus coeruleus projections to the edinger-westphal nucleus. Frontiers in Physiology, 12:614479, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Benner S, Aoki Y, Watanabe T, Endo N, Abe O, Kuroda M, Kuwabara H, Kawakubo Y, Takao H, Kunimatsu A, Kasai K, Bito H, Kakeyama M, Yamasue H. Neurochemical evidence for differential effects of acute and repeated oxytocin administration. Molecular Psychiatry, 26(2):710-720, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Takamuku S, Ohta H, Kanai C, de C Hamilton AF, Gomi H.Seeing motion of controlled object improves grip timing in adults with autism spectrum condition: evidence for use of inverse dynamics in motor control.Experimental Brain Research, 239(4):1047-1059, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Nobukawa S, Shirama A, Takahashi T, Takeda T, Ohta H, Kikuchi M, Iwanami A, Kato N, Toda S.Identification of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder based on the complexity and symmetricity of pupil diameter. Scientific Reports, 11(1):8439, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Fujino J, Tei S, Itahashi T, Aoki YY, Ohta H, Izuno T, Nakamura H, Shimizu M, Hashimoto R, Takahashi H, Kato N, Nakamura M. A single session of navigation-guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the right anterior temporoparietal junction in autism spectrum disorder. Brain Stimulation, 14(3):682-684, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Tanaka SC, Yamashita A, Yahata N, Itahashi T, Lisi G, Yamada T, Ichikawa N, Takamura M, Yoshihara Y, Kunimatsu A, Okada N, Hashimoto R, Okada G, Sakai Y, Morimoto J, Narumoto J, Shimada Y, Mano H, Yoshida W, Seymour B, Shimizu T, Hosomi K, Saitoh Y, Kasai K, Kato N, Takahashi H, Okamoto Y, Yamashita O, Kawato M, Imamizu H. A multi-site, multi-disorder resting-state magnetic resonance image database. Scientific Data, 8(1):227, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Tei S, Fujino J, Itahashi T, Aoki YY, Ohta H, Kubota M, Sawajiri S, Hashimoto RI, Takahashi H, Kato N, Nakamura M. The right temporoparietal junction during a cooperation dilemma: An rTMS study. Neuroimage: Reports, 1(3): 100033,2021.
昭和大学 -
Itahashi T, Kosibaty N, Hashimoto RI, Aoki YY. Prediction of life satisfaction from resting-state functional connectome. Brain and Behavior, 11(9):e2331, 2021.
昭和大学 -
Itahashi T, Noda Y, Iwata Y, Tarumi R, Tsugawa S, Plitman E, Honda S, Caravaggio F, Kim J, Matsushita K, Gerretsen P, Uchida H, Remington R, Mimura M, Aoki YY, Graff-Guerrero A, Nakajima S. Dimensional distribution of cortical abnormality across antipsychotics treatment-resistant and responsive schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 32:102852, 2021.
松元 健二 教授
坂上雅道 教授
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松田哲也 教授
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NHKBS松田哲也 教授
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坂上雅道 教授
玉川大学 -
1分1秒をどう使う? “タイパ”で驚きの時間活用術
松田哲也 教授
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“友情” 集団で生きるための発明
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“怒り” ヒトを突き動かす炎
髙岸治人 准教授
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坂上雅道 教授
<考える広場> ファスト文化の行き先は?
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生理学研究所 -
東海テレビNEWS One
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生理学研究所 -
”自由な意志” それは幻想なのか?
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“嘘” ウソでわかる人間のホント
NHK総合ヒューマニエンス 40億年のたくらみ
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“パンデミックと人類” 科学者からのメッセージ
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“潜在能力” やわらかさという“脳力”
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“怒り” ヒトを突き動かす炎
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“快楽” ドーパミンという天使と悪魔
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[特集] 選手の”やる気”を引き出す